Sanctuary Recovery Center (SRC) is located in Trabuco Canyon and is a 6-bed, short term residential treatment program for young women ages 12 to 17 who are in need of drug treatment.
Our clients must have a primary Substance Use Disorder (SUD), and they may also have co-occurring mental health conditions. Our program can provide healing and hope for female youth who have been in out-of-home
placement (e.g., foster care); have been abused, neglected, and/or abandoned; have been victims of sex
trafficking (Commercially Sexually Exploited Children); are pregnant; are gang-involved; are runaways; and/or
are homeless.
SRC is a Drug Medi-Cal (DMC) program funded through the Orange County Health Care Agency, Mental Health and Recovery Services. We work with our clients to assess their strengths and needs across all major life areas (e.g., substance use, physical and mental health, education, family support, living environment, etc.) then provide individualized treatment to help them work toward their self-identified goals.
The Teen Project’s founder grew up in the county’s group home system and is adamant that our girls will be provided with all of the opportunity and supports that our biological children have, allowing for the greatest opportunity for success.
We believe that where and how our children live, reflects on how they feel about themselves, so we go above and beyond to make sure the messaging is clear – you are truly loved.
Our homes are beautiful and clean and provide our girls with a sense of family, love, respect and they know they are valued.
Vera’s Sanctuary is the only licensed residential drug treatment site in Orange County dedicated to victims of human trafficking.